Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Umbrella by Yasunari Kawabata Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Sometimes love can be expressed by merely being silent. It is as though lovers speak rather telepathically. Love is so strong, it leaves one imagining things as though they were real even when they are not. The story revolves around the object umbrella. In the first instance, the boy is holding the umbrella, apparently shielding himself from the strokes of the rain. The author, from this instance, paints a picture of two young people, who are strongly attracted towards each other but have no ingenious ways of expressing these mutual feeling of attraction. Thus the umbrella is symbolic of the protection the boy is supposed to over. However, it is ironical since instead of using the umbrella as a symbol of outward protection for the girl in this case it is symbolic of inward protection as the boy uses it to hide his shyness. This is understandable since the teenagers are still afraid of what the society comments in relation to their union. For example, in the opening graph, when the girl comes out of the house and sees the boy with the umbrella, she shouts, "is it raining? † as though she cannot see that it is raining. We will write a custom essay sample on The Umbrella by Yasunari Kawabata or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The point being given is that she was keen on igniting a conversation, by first getting under the umbrella besides the boy. The boy on the other hand, though evidently attracted to the girl, remains silent and covers himself more with the umbrella, not to cover himself from the downpour but from betraying his shame. This is how kids express their love, through such simple and plain acts of shame and hesitation. When the girl gets under the umbrella, the boy was too ashamed to stick the whole of his body in the umbrella. The boy was afraid of getting too close, and for that, he let himself to be beaten up by the rain. The same feelings run through the girl’s body and mind. She really wants to get close to the boy by getting hold of the handle of the umbrella, but she could not bring herself to that point. Instead she looked as though she was about to run away. It is as though the boy does not really ache for the girl. Nevertheless, far from it, the boy is burning with a strong sensational feeling. However, the feeling is always there and so deep. As the story goes by, so does the author reveal this suppressed magnetic feeling between the boy and the girl. At the photographer, the boy chose not to sit with the girl and take the photograph together. Nevertheless, he stood behind her touching her cloak, and imagining themselves together. He imagined their bodies touching.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

School Vaccination Laws Should Not Be A Safe Environment...

Vaccination programs are among the most cost effective and widely used public health interventions and have helped to control the spread of epidemic diseases, including smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and polio.1 Each state has school vaccination laws which require children of appropriate age to be vaccinated for several communicable diseases. 2. Subject to exceptions, including individual medical,3 religious,4 and philosophical 5 objections, modern state school vaccination laws mandate that children be vaccinated prior to being allowed to attend public or private schools. Failure to vaccinate children can result in children being denied from attending school, civil fines and criminal penalties (although rarely employed)6 against their parents or guardians, and other measures(e.g., the closure of a school).Advocates argue that childhood vaccinations ensure a safe environment for children who attend public schools. Supporters of childhood vaccinations believe that vacci nes help prevent the following illnesses: whooping cough, diphtheria, and rubella. People who support childhood vaccinations believe that people that are against vaccinations have misguided beliefs. People who oppose childhood vaccinations argue that children should not be vaccinated due to their ability to naturally heal themselves. Opponents also believe that childhood vaccinations cause various side effects like seizures or even death. People who oppose vaccinations conclude that researchShow MoreRelatedShould Vaccines Be Government Enforced?1584 Words   |  7 PagesJordan Angel Mrs. Lenkey American Lit. 17/2/2016 Should Vaccines be Government Enforced Vaccination has been a long-established and adopted practice in the U.S. since its inception. Having been required for certain school districts since the early 1800’s, many have wondered if the government should play a role in this. Vaccines are safe and effective, eradicating numerous diseases which were once prominent. However, they are neither perfectly safe nor perfectly effective. Government enforced vaccinesRead MoreThe Importance Of Vaccination1241 Words   |  5 Pagesbest for children, whether it be their own or not. Most people also want the best for society. But the question is, why would some of these same people deliberately cause the suffering of children and jeopardize society just because they do not believe in vaccination? Vaccinations help save lives by building immunity to deadly diseases, but people are willing to risk lives just because their political beliefs or religious beliefs or skepticism keeps them from vaccinating their children. To makeRead More Should Children Vaccinations Be Mandatory?1492 Words   |  6 Pagesscientists developing vaccinations that help the body create antibodies, which help fight away diseases, and give the body immunity. I believe that forced vaccinations in children should be mandatory as they have the potential to prevent life threatening diseases, and save countless lives. Though many are against forced vaccinations and say they can cause mental illnesses or brain damage, this has not been proven. The rewards far out way the slight risk, if risk at all of the vaccination having side effectsRead MoreSitting In That Room, You Wait Anxiously For The Arrival1343 Words   |  6 Pagesbeside you. Then a stench of alcohol is released in the air as she rubs the wipe on your arm. Then she counts down, â€Å"3-2-1.† That is when you feel the pinch of a needle. That was not so bad, considering that the vaccine is going to protect you. Parents should make their kids get vaccinated because it protects t hem from the diseases that run through the world. Fear of autism is leading to a fear of vaccines; however, vaccines are critically important for children’s health. Disneyland, California is supposedRead MorePros And Cons Of Vaccination1665 Words   |  7 PagesVaccinations, Worth A Shot! Mandated Vaccinations are a huge argument right now because of health and disease issues. There are people on both sides of this argument. Some people are against vaccinating their children because they feel they are being forced to have their child get vaccinated. While some people feel the need that vaccinations are important to protect themselves from any illness or diseases. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all schools and health care purposes. For one, peopleRead MoreThe Medical Influence Of The American Medical Association1263 Words   |  6 PagesAssociation, has an 80,000 member group ready to lobby for mandatory vaccinations (Mihalovic n.p.). If their influence among legislators is strong enough, they can eventually force parents to vaccinate their children in order to access educational institutions. In history, only three provinces had mandatory requirements for vaccines, Ontario, Manitoba and New Brunswick. Nonetheless, proponents for mandatory vaccination believe that it should be done on a local scale. They believe that the large percentageRead MoreWhy Vaccination Should Be Mandatory1453 Words   |  6 PagesVaccines Should be Required to Attend School Nundi Hall-Travis GND 1015: First Year Seminar November 21, 2015 Why Vaccines Should be Required to Attend School Ever since the invention of the first smallpox vaccine more than two centuries ago, there has been plenty of controversy over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and safety of vaccination and immunization. It has recently been argued whether laws should be introduced that render some or all vaccines obligatory for all children (Singer)Read MoreVaccines : Defense Against Disease Or Illness?1657 Words   |  7 Pagesillnesses. In response to such outbreaks, people searched for ways to protect themselves. One protection method was vaccination. The creation of the first vaccine, the further development of common vaccinations, and the varied responses to vaccination have greatly impacted society. The creation of the first vaccine has affected many people. According to Shots Without Guns: The Story of Vaccination by Sarah R. Riedman, smallpox is a disease that afflicts countless people (11). In the article, â€Å"Healing PowerRead MoreMandatory Immunization Of Children For School Entry1601 Words   |  7 Pageseliminated California s personal belief exemption. These laws create a very low bar for parents to obtain an exemption. Often they simply have to check a box stating they don’t want to vaccinate their children, and that is sufficient. States with personal belief exemptions have 2.5 times the vaccine refusal rate as states with religious exemptions only. Essentially, the easier it is to obtain a vaccine exemption, the lower the vaccination rate. Personal belief exemption rates have gone up dramaticallyRead MoreThe Importance Of Vaccination1612 Words   |  7 Pagesfor yourself, but for everyone around you. Vaccines have few ingredients, almost all of which you come in contact with every day. The government tests and regulates vaccines continuously, not just while they’re being manufactured so you know they’re safe. The overall impact vaccinating has had on the world is great, some diseases have even been eliminated. People have many concerns involving vaccinating, my goal for this essay is to clear those up. You may have a few questions about vaccines

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Biblia Essay Example For Students

Biblia Essay Durante 2500 anos, desde o incio da criao at Moiss, no havia nada escrito. As mensagens de Deus eram transmitidas de pai para filho de modo oral. A partir de Moiss, Deus achou que era hora de documentar as mensagens e assim se iniciou o ciclo dos profetas escritores. 1. O Hebraico bblico um ramo da antiga lngua semita falada pelos hebreus e pelos nativos de Cana.2. uma lngua simples. A maior parte de suas palavras bsicas contm trs consoantes, tornando as sentenas hebraicas pequenas e objetivas.3. O hebraico torna a poesia do Antigo Testamento vvida, expressiva e bela (Idem) O salmo 23 composto por apenas 57 palavras em hebraico. O mesmo Salmo contm 107 palavras em portugusA linguagem hebraica foi cultivada como a mais sagrada lngua no mundo. Um esprito de devoo foi acariciado. No apenas foi ensinado aos estudantes o dever de orar, mas eles eram ensinados como orar, como se aproximar de seu Criador, como exercitar f nEle e como compreender e obedecer os ensinos de Seu Espirito. Intelectos santificados trouxeram da casa do tesouro de Deus coisas novas e velhas.4. O hebraico antigo considerado a lngua mais compreensvel para transmitir a mensagem de Deus atravs de Seus profetas, ao tempo em que o Antigo Testamento foi escrito.II REIS 18:26 E 28| LNGU A JUDAICAISAAS 19:18| LNGUA DE CANA. A maior parte do Antigo Testamento foi escrita do hebraico antigo, enquanto umas poucas partes foram escritas em Aramaico. O aramaico, uma lngua relacionada muito de perto com o hebraico, era a lngua dos arameus, que viviam principalmente na Mesopotamia e na Sria.A) O uso da lngua aramaica no mundo1. Por ser uma lngua simples e fcil de se aprender, os babilnios e os Assrios, grandes potncias de seus dias adotaram-na. 2. Os persas que conquistaram babilnia adotaram o aramaico como lngua oficial do imprio. 3. Quando os judeus foram levados para Babilnia durante os 70 anos de cativeiro, tambm adotaram o aramaico em lugar do hebraico. 4. Ao tempo em que Cristo esteve na Palestina, o aramaico era a lngua materna dos palestinos. A Bblia ainda era lida em hebraico no culto da sinagoga, ao tempo de Cristo, mas muitas pessoas, especialmente as mulheres, no a podiam compreender. Tornou-se costumeiro, portanto, que os leitores das sinagogas traduzissem os versos bblicos para o aramaico. Mais tarde foram feitas tradues escritas do Antigo Testamento para o aramaico os chamados Targums. O hebraico falado tinha ficado obsoleto em grande medida nos tempos pr-cristos. O aramaico foi mantido vivo continuamente como lngua falada at o presente, e ainda usado em certas partes do Oriente Prximo, onde conhecido como siraco.5. Em Jerusalm, mesmo antes dos grandes cativeiros, os mais estudados falavam aramaico fluentemente. Exemplo: Quando Rabsaqu, o emissrio do rei da Assria veio Jerusalm, os altos funcionrios de Ezequias pediram que eles falassem em aramaico para eles.(leia isto em II Reis 18:26)B) O uso do aramaico no texto sagrado1. A primeira vez que uma palavra aramaica usada na Bblia foi usada por Labo quando fez um pac to de fidelidade com Jac. Para expressar o conceito: Monte de pedra de testemunho, Labo usou a palavra aramaica (Jegar- Sahadutha) e Jac usou a palavra hebraica (Galeed )2. Quando Daniel foi apresentado diante de Nabucodonozor para interpretar o sonho da grande esttua que representava a histria dos quatro grandes imprios, ele comeou a falar em aramaico no cap. 2: 4 e continuou a escrever seu livro em aramaico at o cap. 7:28. 3. Jesus fez uso continuamente do aramaico. PALAVRAS DE JESUS EM ARAMAICO | SIGNIFICADOTalata Cumi Marcos 5:41| Menina, a ti Te digo: levanta-teEli Eli Lam Sabactani MAR.15:34 | Deus meu, Deus meu porque me desamparaste?Desde os primrdios os israelitas davam muita ateno a questo da educao.Tanto na escola como no lar, muitos dos ensinos eram feitos de maneira oral, mas os jovens tambm aprendiam a ler os escritos hebraicos; e os rolos de pergaminhos das escrituras do Antigo Testamento eram abertos para seu estudo.III PARTE O GREGO DO NOVO TESTAMENTOQuando o 3 imprio mundial liderado por Alexandre, o grande, teve incio em 331 AC, a cultura e a lngua grega se espalharam pela maior parte da rea do Mediterrneo e do Oriente Mdio. 1. Um fato interessante que os romanos foram vencedores sobre os gregos, subjugaram os gregos, impuseram o domnio romano com mo de ferro, mas tiveram que engolir a lngua dos gregos. 2. O grego foi adotado no Imprio romano como a lngua universal. Business ethics issues in the movie Boiler room EssayA concluso que cerca de 90% da populao mundial podem ler a Bblia em sua prpria lngua, idioma ou dialeto. C) Qual a melhor traduo em Portugus? difcil dizer qual a melhor traduo sem saber para que, ou qual o objetivo da pergunta. 1. Alguns dizem que a traduo Verso Almeida Revista e Corrigida a mais autntica e tem maior autoridade. Exemplos de alguns vocbulos usados pela Almeida Revista e Corrigida que no se usam mais hoje:Eira que quer dizer uma rea onde se malha o cereal. (Rute 3:2) Pez que quer dizer betume. (Isaas 34:9) Rubicundo que quer dizer pessoa muito corada.(Cantares 5:10) Tamargueira que significa um Arbusto nativo da frica.(Jeremias 17:6) Sambuca que significa uma pequena harpa triangular. (Dan. 3:5) 2. Outros estudiosos dizem que a Verso Almeida Revista e Atualizada tem uma melhor linguagem. A linguagem foi muito melhorada, e no restam dvidas de que nesta reviso foram usados manuscritos gregos dos melhores, muito superiores aos .que a Almeida tinha sua frente para usar na traduo original que fez.3. A Bblia na Linguagem de Hoje e a Bblia Viva que so parfrases, incorporam muitos dos conceitos e preconceitos de seus tradutores. So timas para estudo devocional. 4. As tradues que so mais fiis ao texto original, so melhores para estudos doutrinrios. Em resumo, a melhor traduo aquela que atende a sua necessidade. Vi que Deus havia de uma maneira especial guardado a Bblia, ainda quando da mesma existiam poucos exemplares; e homens doutos nalguns casos mudaram as palavras, achando que a estavam tornando mais compreensvel, quando na realidade estavam mistificando aquilo que era claro, fazendo-as apoiar suas estabelecidas opinies, que eram determinadas pela tradio. Vi, porm, que a Palavra de Deus, como um todo, uma cadeia perfeita, prendendo-se uma parte outra, e explicando-se mutuamente. E.G. White, Primeiros Escritos pgs. 221 e 222. Nosso Salvador, atravs da inspirao proclama: Vi outro anjo voando pelo meio do Cu, tendo um evangelho eterno para pregar aos que se assentam sobre a terra, e a cada nao, e tribo, e lngua, e povo. (Apc. 14:6)1. Desde a Torre de Babel, tem havido uma surpreendente multiplicao de lnguas no mundo todo. 2. Este fato um grande desafio para a proclamao do Evangelho eterno. 3. As lnguas tambm so dinmicas e esto em constantes mudanas. Isto mais um desafio. Uma menina pintou um quadro da fuga de Jesus ao Egito. Ela desenhou um avio com quatro cabeas aparecendo nas janelas. Que cabeas so estas, perguntou a divertida professora. Esta Maria. Esta outra o pequeno Jesus. E este Jos. Respondeu a pequena desenhista. E quem est na cabine, perguntou a professora. Ah, este Pncio, o Piloto!Veja como est histria destaca a necessidade de tradues corretas das Escrituras Sagradas. B) O conselho de Paulo : Voc deve manejar bem a Palavra da Verdade. 1. Isto mostra que devemos buscar o melhor que pudermos em termos de estudo, pesquisa, tradues, verses etc. Na publicao de A CINCIA DO BOM VIVER, em 1905, Ellen White usou oito textos da verso English Revised Version e 55 da American Revised Version. W.C. White, escreveu: Quando o oitavo volume de Testemonies for the Church foi publicado e pareceu desejvel fazer algumas citaes mais longas dos Salmos, foi dito irm White que a Revised Version dos Salmos era prefervel. Ela levou muito a srio esse conselho e nos instruiu a usar a Revised Version Ministry, Abril de 1947. Cremos que em nossa Ptria, estamos muito bem servidos de tradues, diversas verses e parfrases que nos ajudam a pesquisar melhor a Palavra de Deus e aplic-la para nosso crescimento espiritual. Como as fontes variam em qualidade e exatido. Bibliography:

Monday, December 2, 2019

Written Assignment free essay sample

The novel, The Assault, is told against the backdrop of shifting Dutch post-war society, centered around significant points in that history. Mulisch paints a canvas of the difficulties of Dutch society in coming to terms with the events of the war. Mulisch faces significant questions of guilt and innocence when writing the novel thus leading to the hand of fate lurking strongly in the novel. The Assault becomes a morality play with much difficulty in determining and judging what right and wrong is, and guilty from innocence becomes a central theme throughout the novel in the lives of Anton Steenwijk, Fake Ploeg’s son, Cor Take and Karin Korteweg and Mr. Korteweg. Anton Steenwijk is the central protagonist in the novel and has been plagued with the murdering of his family at a very young age. Anton struggles to understand and comprehend the events that happened that very night which ultimately leads to his apathy for the subject. We will write a custom essay sample on Written Assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Anton’s apathy and attempts of forgetfulness toward the killings makes him guilty in the novel; however, the fact that Anton’s only mechanism for coping with the tragedy is detachment and forgetting gives him the characteristic of innocence thus raising important questions of guilt and innocence in his character. Anton’s apathetic characteristic can be seen when he gains the â€Å"awareness that his house no longer existed [, coming] briefly but vanish[ing] at once (43). Here Anton gains this awareness of a tragic event and quickly decides not to impose any guilt upon himself thus making him guilty, but because of the dreadful events that have happened to him, this can be seen as simple innocence of a teenage boy. Next, â€Å"[Anton] had felt upset at first, yet now, with shouting and screaming everywhere, people bleeding and trying to reach safety, he was pervaded by a strange indifference. This quote uses an extreme situation of madness and despair followed by a quick, short understatement of Anton’s indifference to portray the extent to which Anton has no feeling toward the event making him guilty to the situation; whereas, it also gives insight to how Anton deals with sadness and despair making him innocent to the situation (84). Later in the novel, Mulisch describes Anton’s character conflict though the juxtaposition of light and dark imagery when â€Å"the two adults perspiring in their dark clothes, while Sandra, dressed in white, didn’t mind the sun. Mulish uses the dark clothes in to represent Anton’s perceived guilt and uses Sandra to represent the childish innocence in Anton thus the white dress. Anton’s character is debated whether his unemotional character is guilt in itself or whether since this is his coping mechanism makes him truly innocent. Fake Ploeg’s guiltiness as a Nazi collaborator is questioned and defended to be rather innocence through his son, Fake. Anton claims that his â€Å"family was senselessly slaughtered by Fascist, of whom [Fake’s] father was one. Isn’t that right? (90)†, through the use of the rhetorical question Mulisch makes the guilt of Fake Ploeg an evident fact. Whereas, Fake tells Anton how his fathers death devastated his family and claims â€Å"[Fake Ploeg] was ignorant of [the Jews] and [Anton] can’t blame him for it. He was with the police and simple did his duty, what he was told (91). † Fake’s philosophical view on the situation is seen by pleading ignorance for his father. Mulisch uses Fake character as an arbitrator for the situation and as the events change, Fake’s character changes; for example, â€Å"[Fake] began to sob. The sob rose out of him as if they belonged to someone else who was inhabiting his body† Fake character, here, changes emotionally to portray the seriousness of Fake in his argument (92). Anton’s claims conflict with Fake’s claims of his father’s guiltiness that ultimately lead to a blurred line of innocence versus guilt. Another guilt versus innocence conflict in the novel is the murder of Fake Ploeg. Cor Take, the murderer, claims innocence through several philosophical views on morality. When Take speaks to Anton about Fake Ploeg, Mulish uses harsh and rough words such as â€Å"barbered wire†, â€Å"ripped†, â€Å"blazing†, â€Å"vomited† to portray the evil character that Fake Ploeg was and to justify himself as well as using a rhetorical question â€Å"[Fake] killed God knows how many people†¦ So he had to be gotten rid of Do you agree? Yes or yes? † to persuade Anton to eventually agreeing with him (111). Then Mulisch describes the setting with â€Å"a small cloud [creeping] over the sun, making flowers on the new grave look bleached, as if they were repenting, while the gray of the gravestones [became] dominant,† this juxtaposition of light and dark symbolizes Take’s innocent character being overshadowed with the corruptness of the murder, further adding to the question of innocence or guiltiness (111). Take furthers his innocence by stating â€Å"if you believe we shouldn’t have done it, then you also believe that, in the light of history, the human race shouldn’t have existed;† Fake adds a more philosophical question here to support his earlier claims of innocence (113). Ultimately, the reader is left with an ambiguous question of guilt or innocence. The final encounter of guilt and innocence, in The Assault, is with Karin Korteweg. Anton describes Mr.Korteweg through callous diction as â€Å"cold† and â€Å"bitter† who moved Ploegs body to his home to save his own, thus forcing the accusation of guiltiness upon him (173). The chilly and ominous mood is quickly set when â€Å"a group of boys†¦ all [having] black leather jackets, black pants, and black boots with metal heels† walks past them; Mulisch uses the ridged diction and imagery of dark colors to portray this mood and rapidly put guilty undertones on the Kortewegs (176).

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Female circumcision essays

Female circumcision essays Female circumcision is one of the more harmful traditions still practiced in many parts of the developing world. The custom involves removing some or most of the external female genitalia, usually accompanied by a traditional ceremony, and generally before the girl reaches puberty (Long 2000). The term genital mutilation has increasingly been used to try to indicate the tragic effects of the more drastic forms of female circumcision. The practice of female circumcision should be abolished because of its harmful effects on those subjected to it. The different sector of society around the world should unite and carefully study the problem to formulate a solution and held eradicate the harmful traditional practice. Recently, there has been great interest in the subject where it is widespread such as Africa, Indonesia, and Sudan. The purpose of discussing this sensitive topic is to focus attention to the harmful effects this practice has on the health of women and children. It is also important to mention that female circumcision is a major health problem, the management of which constitutes an immense burden on the already strained health facilities of those countries in which the circumcisions are practiced. Female circumcision is usually performed on girls at the age of seven or eight years old; although, some African tribes operate on infants while older societies operate on young adult women. Circumcision is a traditional performed by birth attendants, midwives or an elder. These people in the village may have experience; yet, no appropriate medical training. In most circumcisions, the quack doctor, operates under poor hygienic conditions using non-sterile knifes or sometimes a sharp stone without anesthesia. According to Smucker, the severity of the operation is generally differentiated into four basic types. Type one is the equivalent to male circumcision and consists of cutting the clitoral prepuce circumfe...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Organization Culture

Abstract Measuring and managing intellectual capital through knowledge management (KM) has been perceived the most important issue in knowledge-intensive companies. @ It has been suggested that a supportive corporate culture cornerstones not only a successful implementation of KM system but also the effectiveness of an organization. @It is essential therefore to enhance our knowledge in interrelationships among corporate culture, KM, intellectual capital and operating performance. @Using a sample of firms listed in TSE and OTC and a questionnaire as research tool, this thesis explores the typologies of corporate culture and KM, and their impacts on intellectual capital and financial performance. The empirical evidence indicates that the attributes of corporate culture are significantly associated with the attributes of KM activities. @Both corporate culture and KM shed significant impacts on cognitive importance of intellectual capitals. @Firms with distinct corporate culture, placing more foci on human resource development, innovation and market competition tend to have more intensive knowledge management activities, information technology utilization, and exchange and lash of knowledge between the members of the organization. @ Compared to firms with low innovative-bureaucratic culture, firms with high effective-supportive culture concentrate more on all aspects related to human capital and innovation capital. Compared to other firms in the sample, firms with high flexibility-high degree of knowledge management activities focus more on human capital, innovation capital, and process capital. @Compared to firms with high control-low degree knowledge management activities, companies characterized with humanistic- medium degree knowledge management activities emphasize more on innovation capital. The findings also show that both corporate culture attributes and components of human cap... Free Essays on Organization Culture Free Essays on Organization Culture Abstract Measuring and managing intellectual capital through knowledge management (KM) has been perceived the most important issue in knowledge-intensive companies. @ It has been suggested that a supportive corporate culture cornerstones not only a successful implementation of KM system but also the effectiveness of an organization. @It is essential therefore to enhance our knowledge in interrelationships among corporate culture, KM, intellectual capital and operating performance. @Using a sample of firms listed in TSE and OTC and a questionnaire as research tool, this thesis explores the typologies of corporate culture and KM, and their impacts on intellectual capital and financial performance. The empirical evidence indicates that the attributes of corporate culture are significantly associated with the attributes of KM activities. @Both corporate culture and KM shed significant impacts on cognitive importance of intellectual capitals. @Firms with distinct corporate culture, placing more foci on human resource development, innovation and market competition tend to have more intensive knowledge management activities, information technology utilization, and exchange and lash of knowledge between the members of the organization. @ Compared to firms with low innovative-bureaucratic culture, firms with high effective-supportive culture concentrate more on all aspects related to human capital and innovation capital. Compared to other firms in the sample, firms with high flexibility-high degree of knowledge management activities focus more on human capital, innovation capital, and process capital. @Compared to firms with high control-low degree knowledge management activities, companies characterized with humanistic- medium degree knowledge management activities emphasize more on innovation capital. The findings also show that both corporate culture attributes and components of human cap... Free Essays on Organization Culture 1. The Monterey Regional Waste Management District (MRWMD) had humble beginnings in 1951 when forward thinking county officials had a vision of a better waste management system for the Monterey Peninsula, ending the era of unconditional garbage dumping that had prevailed. From this time on, a Board of Directors has labored to ensure that the waste from Monterey Peninsula residents is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner that not only satisfies state and federal legal requirements, but ensures that the health of the peninsula is preserved for decades to come . 2. Currently the MRWMD disposes the household, business and industrial waste of more than 170,000 residents . Its purpose is to maximize the diversion of waste from landfill by following three simple steps: reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce the amount of landfill by reusing waste products in their original form or by recycling them for other purposes. The MRWMD mission embodies the values that the original county officials had in mind more than 50 years ago: â€Å"Provide the highest quality, cost-efficient, integrated waste management services to the greater Monterey Peninsula, while preserving our environment and protecting public health through the reduction, reuse, recycling and safe disposal of our waste stream† Aim 3. The aim of this paper is to assess whether MRWMD has a culture that supports the organization mission. This will be accomplished by investigating employee values, behaviors, beliefs and assumptions and conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis on the findings. Conduct of analysis 4. In order to properly analyze the beliefs, values, assumptions and behaviors of MWRMD employees - and by doing so identifying the MRWMD culture - it was necessary to conduct detailed interviews with a representation of the workforce. MRWMD currently employs 138 staff, of which 123 are full-time and 15 are part-...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contemporary project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contemporary project - Essay Example In developed countries, very rare cases of counterfeit medicines are observed because people are well informed and the online markets help the customers to differentiate the real and fake drugs for the patients. The problem of counterfeit medicines is not difficult to tackle. Implementation of strict rules and regulations, strong role of the institutions, working courts against these companies and the well-structured liability laws are helpful to demolish these kinds of drugs from the markets. For example, two organizations are actively working against fake pharmaceutical companies and for community health in Uganda. A big NGO â€Å"BRAC† is working in Bangladesh and in African Countries for selling genuine medicines and for health projects. In addition, â€Å"Living Good† origination is also working on the same projects in Kenya, Uganda and in the neighboring countries. The organizations against counterfeit medicines decrease the selling rate of these companies by providing awareness and genuine pharmaceutical products to the patients. The role of community health programs is very useful in decreasing the rate of unemployment in several countries, e.g. about one hundred thousand workers are engaged to the BRAC, which is a nongovernmental organization. In some areas of the world, cell phone technology is also playing the role for authentic medicines by the facility of verification codes for genuine products. Doctor Ashifi Gogo introduced the latest system of medicine authentication code through cell phones in those areas, where the customers do not trust in the shops of medicine markets. For example, a unique code number is present in every box of the Sproxil brand to identify it’s originality before using it. The customer scratches the card to find the code number and checks it through the cell phone authentication method to know the originality of the product. The revenues of Sproxil were great in 2010 after implementing the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT - ASSIGNMENT 2 - Essay Example They fail to specify priorities and focus. (Daniel Petersen, 1995) Such objectives don't map the trip ahead - the finding of better worth and solutions for the client. The objectives must be: Objectives set out what the business is trying to attain. Objectives can be set at two levels. These levels are Corporate and Functional level. At Corporate level the objectives concern the business or organization as a whole. Examples of corporate objectives might include: There are several ways in which the objectives set by an organization can be communicated across effectively. The importance of communicating objectives is equal to the importance of setting them. As it's useless to set objectives if they are not properly communicated to the workers. The objectives of an organization shape its future deals and planning. The objectives of a company also help them in attracting potential customers. It is a vital task to communicate the objectives of the organization and these are the following ways that can be adopted to do so. By distributing booklets it is meant that a written form of organization objectives is available to all the workers. The reason behind it to make sure that every employee is clearly aware of all the objectives, but there is a draw back as how many people are reading the booklet cannot be checked. By putting up the objectives on the notice board makes sure that ever... By putting up the objectives on the notice boards. By revising the objectives daily By making sure every employee is aware of the objectives By circulating pamphlets By distributing booklets it is meant that a written form of organization objectives is available to all the workers. The reason behind it to make sure that every employee is clearly aware of all the objectives, but there is a draw back as how many people are reading the booklet cannot be checked. By putting up the objectives on the notice board makes sure that everyone is seeing them daily but it still not helps in confirming that everyone has read them. (Frank Corrado, 1994). Another effective method can be that the team leader or the departmental head makes sure that he revises the objectives set by the organization daily and is ready to help explain them if someone is having a problem understanding them. Ans. 2 An organization needs to make sure that every single of their employee or worker is aware of the objectives that have been set by the organization. One might doubt why we need to set up objectives in the first place, why not let the company or a particular activity just run effortlessly into the future and see where it gets. (Daniel Petersen, 1995) That would be the case only if we really do not care whether the activity in discussion will be doing well or not: but then, to use a popular saying, "if something deserves to be performed, then it deserves to be performed well". In other words, if we don't care for the outcome, we should not proceed with the act at all. Awareness of objectives among the workers or employees is important, for several reasons: It gives a mark to aim to, therefore all actions and hard work will be focused on attaining the objective instead of being

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Communication Barrier Essay Example for Free

Communication Barrier Essay Communication is defined as an exchange of information. It involved the transmission of ideas and thoughts. To communicate means that you share with others your concepts, your thoughts and ideas. Most of our time is spent in this mutual relationship by either speaking or listening. This ability to communicate is what makes man the unique creature that he is, with the ability to control and dominate, to build and maintain. Communications is a big thing in America. It is said to be our most vital and largest industry. We are awed by mans methods of communication. We find them complete in oral, written or visualized form. In spite of this, communication is a big problem in our lives. Because of human nature, certain barriers exist making the communication process either ineffective or impossible. At times we just do not get through to people. This often results in misunderstanding. Many splits in congregations are due to the communications problem. Brethren have trouble talking to each other, they become estranged and some become enemies. Much of this can be eliminated if we understand some of the barriers to our communication. In the discussion that follows, the principal barriers to communicating effectively in todays working environment are identified, and proven techniques for coping with them are considered. The principal barriers to effective communication are: noise, poor feedback, selection of inappropriate media, a wrong mental attitude, insufficient or lack of attention to work selection, delay in message transmittal, physical separation of the sender and receiver, and lack of empathy or a good relationship between the sender and receiver. Lets now give four examples of communication barriers and the solution of each one as well. There are many communication barriers that come up during the communication process. First, there are physical distractions that interfere with the effectiveness of a communication attempt. For example, I work at a hardware store and I would be mixing paint for customer while another customer comes up to me and asks where something is located in the store. For this case, it can be many ways. You can ask someone else to attend to the customer, yet still be able to accomplish your job without losing the customer. If the first customer not around, you should attend to the other customer first and go back to your job. Second, we live in a verbal environment. Words constitute the most frequently used tool for communicating. Words usually facilitate communication; however, their careless, improper use in a given situation can create a communication barrier. Arthur Kudner, an advertising executive, once told his son: All big things have little names such as life and death, peace and war, or dawn, day, night, hope, love, and home. Learn to use little words in a big way. It is hard to do, but they say what you mean. When you dont know what you mean use big words; they often fool little people. The words we use should be selected carefully. Dr. Rudolph Flesch, a specialist in words and communication, suggests a way to break through the word barrier: use familiar words in place of the unfamiliar, use concrete words in place of the abstract, use short words in place of long and use single words in place of several. Unfortunately, almost every commonly used word has more than one meaning. Also words have regional meanings or derive new meanings as a result of the development of new industries or fields. The meaning conveyed by the senders words depends upon the experience and attitude of the receiver. Therefore, one way to penetrate the word barrier is for the sender to strive to speak or write in terms of the receivers experience and attitude. The better able he is to do this, the more successful the communication will be. Dr. S. E. Hayakawa, a U.S. Senator from California, expressed it very well when he said, The meanings of words are not in the words; they are in us. Third, the ability to empathize with someone else may not be easy. If you are to see things from anothers viewpoint, you have to put aside your own prejudices and preconceptions. The receiver may be of a different race,  creed, educational background, from a different section of the country, or have a different specialty or rank within the organization. Under these circumstances, the task of empathizing with the other member of the communication link is difficult. The task is further complicated if you believe that understanding anothers viewpoint may pose a threat to your own. To better communicate, we must try to see ourselves through the eyes of others in the communication link. By developing some empathy with the people to whom we will be directing messages, we might recognize the need to modify our messages from time to time before sending them. We should use easy word when we communicate with other people, let everyone understand easily. Not to ward, no technician word that people around the word will be able to follow. The last one, as manager, many communication barriers will turn out as well. Generally, managers make more frequent use of oral, rather than written, communication. However, the media one selects for communication in a particular situation should correlate with the feedback requirements. A communication failure or partial failure could occur if the media you select for transmittal of a message is inappropriate and necessary feedback is not received. Most simple messages can be transmitted orally either in a face-to-face discussion, formal briefing, or meeting of the staff. More complex messages should be written in a directive, instruction, memorandum, or report. Very complex messages should be transmitted in both oral and written form. Repetition and review of an oral communication in written form can be a facilitating device. So the personal qualities of the manager should be a consideration in the selection. As manager, you should recognize your strengths and limitations. You should evaluate your successes and failures in communication and plan to use the media that best fits your style and qualities. From the above communication barriers and each of solution, we can observe that in todays world, no matter what the communication barrier is, there is always to the solution over the barrier. It is just a matter of different  approach within you means and ability to execute the solution without losing any clients.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

Jack Breheny February 14, 2014 Research Paper Dred Scott was one of many famous African Americans who, along with others, helped abolish slavery in the United States of America. He did this questioning by how he could be kept as a slave and treated like a slave when he lived in slave free territory. Just his little bit of questioning added up to the big amount of things that helped to abolish slavery. Dred Scott was born into slavery sometime in 1803 in South Hampton County, Virginia, but his hometown was St. Louis, Missouri. His birth name was Sam Scott, but he adopted his older brother’s name, Dred, when he died at a very young age. Dred’s parents were slaves. He and his family belonged to Peter Blow and his family. Dred started his first job, to take care of the Blow children who weren’t much younger than him, when he was four. In addition to Dred being a slave, he was employed as a farmhand, stevedore, craftsman, and general handyman. Dred moved around a lot from Alabama, Illinois, and eventually relocated to St. Louis, Missouri. When Dred was 15 in 1818, his family moved to Alabama with the Blows. His owner, Peter Blow, had six children so Dred’s job was to keep track of the children. Dred never learned to read or write so if there were any type of signs on the way to Alabama or anywhere they most likely made no sense to him at all. Sometime in 1820, Dred’s future wife, Harriett Robinson, was born into slavery. Ten years later, in around 1830, Dred moved with the Blows to St. Louis, Missouri and worked at the Jefferson hotel. His owner, Peter Blow, had no luck finding any riches or success in farming so he decided to use what money he had left to buy the Jefferson Hotel, in St. Louis, which was the slave ... transfer ownership of the Scotts to Taylor Blow, Peter Blow’s son and childhood friend of Dred. On May 26, 1857 Dred and Harriet were given their freedom by Taylor Blow. After Dred and his family were freed, they were interviewed and pictures of them were published in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper on June 27, 1840. As a free family Dred Scott worked at Barnum’s Hotel in St. Louis as a porter. Dred also delivered laundry that Harriet took in working as a free laundress for the people that they lived around. On September 17, 1858 Dred Scott died of tuberculosis. He only lived as a free man for one and a half years. He is buried in St. Louis in the Blow family plot in Calvary Cemetery. Harriet lived on and is believed to have died in 1870. Dred Scott like many other African Americans helped abolish slavery forever in the United States of America.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

My Summer Vacation Essay

The dream summer vacation of every person only comes once in a lifetime. In the summer of 2014 i had just completed my first year of college and my parents wanted to take me some where I’ll always remember for my profound work. I had no clue of what their intentions were or what to even expect from them. My parents had invited just about all of our closes relatives and family friends to come along and celebrate the occasion with us. Majority of those that came brought gifts and money to encourage me to do well. Of course this made me the most thrilled person in the world, because I not only had family and friends over to celebrate but they also spent the night over for the trip my parents had put together to take us on. The following morning my Father woke everyone up at 2oclock in the morning to get situated and hit the road for the airport by 3oclock. How ironic they had everything planned out from the bathroom time to the seating in the vehicles. But yet each and every time I pampered the question in their heads as to where we were going they never answered me. Anxious to know I was, so i began thinking of all the possibilities of the places they’d consider going. I began to get drowsy from how early I woke up and all the curiosity running through my veins. After getting to the airport at 4oclock our flight finally left at 6:45am and we arrived at our destination into Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We collected our bags and was on our journey once again this time it had felt as if we had been driving forever. I had woken up to screams and shouting from almost everyone around me, yet I still had no clue as to what was going on. As my dad was trying to find a parking spot I started to look out the window in search of any clues that could help me figure out where exactly we were. Once we pasted the entrance my eyes blew up when I saw the words Carnival Cruise Lines. After seeing all the commercials with all the festivities that occur, all the famous people that appear in person, the amazing games and family activities, the theatre and food that was on board, this was indeed the place I would give the world to go to. When asked by my parents how I liked my gift, I became lost for words and could only smile for how happy and filed with joy I was.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Philippine agenda reaction paper Essay

When our teacher told us that we will be watching a video about political government in the Philippines, I thought that it would be about politics only. But as the videos are playing, I realize that it was more than politics. It is an eye-opener not only for the government officials but also to all Filipinos. They made a documentation to open the eyes of the candidates for the election. It was made to let the government know the current condition of the Philippines with regards to the concern of the Filipinos. PHILIPPINE AGENDA: EDUCATION (EDUKASYON) The video entitled â€Å"Edukasyon† was one of the documentaries presented by Jessica Soho. The film shows the problem on education in our country. Many students and teachers are having a hard time in studying and teaching because of the insufficient facilities in different public schools. This includes the lack of chairs, tables, classrooms, chalkboards, books, and many others. Most teachers also have not undergone a proper training. Well, what they have documented is very true because I too came from a public school. And our school was also facing that kind of problem before. Though in my time, our school has improved a little bit. All of us had been given the privilege to have a book in different subjects one by one. We also have chairs to sit and tables to write on. Our chalkboard also is big enough, though some of it has a hole already. But our neighboring school was facing almost the same fate as the schools in  Masbate, as what the film documented. They have broken chalkboards, not enough classrooms, chairs, tables and books. Their teacher would go to our school to borrow a couple of books for them to use. There were also some privilege schools in our place who was included in the feeding program of the government. Our elementary school was included. The selected students who were malnourished were being feed every afternoon by the teachers and some of the parents. And after the feeding program, there is another program which is the giving of rice, noodles, and canned goods for the students. Each students was given one kilo of rice, some noodles and canned goods. But the program did not last long. The film helps me realize the great problem that our country is facing today with regards to the education for every Filipinos. And I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to have a better education. I also felt pity on the students who are having a hard time in getting the education that they wanted and at the same encouraged to pursue more on my studies to help those who are in need. Just like the students who were showed in the film, even though their fate in acquiring education is not as good as mine, but they still pursue their goals to finish their education to have a better future. These problems in our education today can be solved by giving more funds for education to build enough classrooms, chairs, tables, chalkboards, and other facilities for the students, publish more books, and support the teachers for their training in order for them to enhance their skills in teaching and to help the students to be more productive in their studies. PHILIPPINE AGENDA: HEALTH (KALUSUGAN) â€Å"Health is wealth†. Indeed, health is the true wealth of our nation. But as I watched the film â€Å"kalusugan† reported by Arnold Clavio, I found out the reason why our country is at the bottom of the list when it comes to the richest country. Because even the citizens here in our own nation have suffered from malnutrition. And how can they call our country rich when they have not taken care of the citizen which is the inheritance of our country? Just like the citizens on one of the place in Mindanao. Each children have a disease and are malnourished because there are no one who can monitor their health. It would take four to five hours to walk just to get to a hospital. And what do they get when they arrived there? Only paracetamols good for ten people. How can that cure there diseases when that is the only medicine that is free? Every other medicine has high price which they cannot afford to buy. There are many other places in the Philippines which was not visited by a single doctor. The government must make a move on reaching those citizens who have not yet been checked on their health status. They must act so that there will no more citizen in the Philippines who will die because of lack of food and medical support. Also, there are many places here in our country who are lacking facilities and medicines for the hospitals. Just like here in Bacolod and in Manila. The family of the patient must be the one who will provide a bed for their patient because there are no more vacant room. And there are many patients who have not given any medical attention that’s why some of them just died in the corner of the hospital. And there are many places also who do not have any hospital or health centers at all. The residence on that place was the one who built a health center. And the medicines they are having are just the usual medicine for fever, cough, and other common diseases. They only have one nurse who also became a doctor and a midwife. How can the government take care of the citizens when they let the doctors and nurses flee to another country? They must take care also the needs of the doctors and nurses so that they will not flee from our country. There are budgets given for the health of the people but where did the money go? What do they spend the money for? If they would have spent it wisely for the specific purpose of that money, our country and the people would not be suffering from lack of food and medical support. Each citizen must have been given a good service, maybe not given all that they need, but given just enough to make them feel that the government was not abandoning them. The government officials are educated people who knows how to manage a money and to spend it wisely for the specific purpose of that money. They must stop their corruption because instead of them helping the problems of our country, they were the one making it worst. If only they hear they cries of the family who lost their loved ones because of lack of support from the government. And they must act so that situations like these would not repeat again and again. All I can do now is to take care of myself and my love ones. Eat the right kind of food to avoid being hospitalized. And help those who are in need of my service. PHILIPPINE AGENDA: CORRUPTION (KATIWALIAN) One of the major reasons why our country are suffering from different problems is because of corruption. Even the educated people, like the government officials, are blinded when it comes to money. Their knowledge and discipline were gone when money was in front of them. Thus leads to corruption. Our country is facing some serious problems today like lack of services for the citizens. And they said that they have given a solution by giving a budget to that particular problem. But the question is, where is the budget now? Do the budgets intended for that problem really made a change? Or they just say that there is a budget to calm the people down but not used all of it for the specific purpose intended in that budget? Even the professionals who are educated, have learned the proper attitude, and knows the right discipline can be like a dump person who knows nothing when money is in front of them. They can be bought by just one to three numbers with many zeros on it. And if you think that zero is nothing, well, of put it behind a certain number, then that would change its value. It would not be nothing anymore. It would be something that can bought a life, especially when there are many zeros that are involve in that particular  number. It can either give or save lives, get or bought lives and change lives. Money have that kind of power in our world nowadays. It can make the powerful man even more powerful and it can ruin life. It can make a simple man be a powerful man or a criminal. And people can be crazy when it comes to money. But it can also change the life of a single person and the status of a certain country. It can be an instrument to ruin things but it can also be used to save and change everything. If it is used in a proper and good way, then it can change our lives forever. If only the government would discipline not only the citizens but also themselves, our country would be a better place to stay. It would be harmonious and the citizens would not go to other countries to serve other people just to provide the needs of their families. They would just stay here and serve our fellow Filipinos who needed their service. And if they only use the money intended for that specific purpose and not for their own, there will be less problems that our country would be facing today. And the problems that we are facing will be slowly but effectively be solved. And if there will be less problem, then our country will be a prosperous and harmonious one. And it would be included on the list of the richest country in the world. PHILIPPINE AGENDA: HOUSING (PABAHAY) One of the basic needs of a person is shelter. A good, nice and warm shelter or house for him to be protected from any cold, rain and sunshine. It is also a private place where a man can spend an alone and bonding time for his family. But how can a man be protected from cold and have a family time if he is sleeping under a bridge, in the street or in a squatter’s area where he is sharing his house with four more families? That is what most of the people in the cities where suffering. Most of them left the country, sold their belongings, and transferring to the city to find work. But because of the overpopulation in the city and they did not found any good work, they end up living under a bridge, on the street, and in a squatter’s area, sharing their shelter with two or more families. And  because they cannot go back to the country because they have no more belongings there, some of them have begun a family in city. The government had implemented a housing program and relocation sites. Some of it were already been built. But there are quandaries in the given solution of the said problem. Some have no electricity, the water is not clean, the location is not very suitable and comfortable, and is far from the city because there are no more sites available near the city. And some also are not finished. The government must give more budget for the housing of the citizens who are living under a bridge and in a squatter’s area. There are also some citizen who lost their home because of the natural calamities that struck the country. And many families are still suffering until now because of the slow action of the government. And the one that they have built for the families who were the first victims of the natural disaster had been broken again by the following typhoon that pass the country. They were providing a shelter for the victims but it was not good and long lasting because of the lack of budget for that project. And the government’s point of view is that the shortcomings are not all their fault. There are also people who lacks discipline. They sold their lands in the country, which was given by the government, and migrated to the city thinking that they will find fortune and good life there. Well, I don’t blame the government for that because it is true. They think that by living their comfort zone in the country and moving to the city would be a better idea. Some of them had found luck in the city but luck is just luck. And most of them did not found good luck. They found misfortune and ended up living and having a family under a bridge, on the street and in a squatter’s area. Their luck had run out. And because they did not found any good job and they cannot plant vegetables and other nutritious foods in the place where they live, they end up picking some left overs in the garbage and looking and selling scrap for them to make money to buy food to put on their tummy. And because of this, malnutrition takes place. PHILIPPINE AGENDA: HUNGER (GUTOM) When I was watching the video entitled â€Å"gutom†, I realized that I am lucky I am eating nutritious foods three times a day. There are many people out there who are starving and having a hard time in getting food. They were just eating the left-overs that are found in the trash bins. And they felt contented if they can eat even just one meal a day. And the worst part is, they have so many children. I am always wondering why do they made many children when they themselves are having a hard time in finding food for their own. How can they find food that is enough for them to eat if they have so many kids? Just like one of the family that was shown in the film which had 12 kids. And the mother is still caring a life inside her tummy. She was still pregnant even if they already had many kids. And the result is malnutrition because the children have not eaten the right kind of food and the right amount of vitamins and minerals that are needed in their body. It was hard for them to get nutritious foods because the foods that are prepared on their table is not enough to make their tummy full. And the baby inside the mother’s womb is also malnourished because the food that the mother had eaten is not nutritious enough to make the baby inside of her become healthy. So, even if the baby have not yet been born, it was already malnourished. If only they have planned well in making a family, they would not having a hard time finding food to feed their children because they only have fewer mouths to feed. And they can also eat nutritious foods three times a day. It is heartbreaking to know that there are Filipinos who are starving and have not eaten foods with the right nutrition. While there are many officials who are just expanding their riches and wasting their money instead of helping the Filipinos who are in need and giving them the right service. They are just having a good time with their money, spending it for their own good, not thinking that there are many children who are dying because of hunger and thirst. They did not consider the fact that even the  small amount of their wealth is enough to save a person’s life from dying of hunger. But this concern is not for the officials but also for the Filipinos who have so much wealth. Some of them are not officials but they are business men who are making wealth but not helping their fellow Filipinos. They must open their hearts to share their wealth and help those who are in need. Even a small act of kindness can save a person’s life. I felt pity on the people who are starving and I cannot even help them on my own. All I can do for now is not to waste anything-food, money, time and many others, and helping others who are in need if I have anything that can help them. And most of all, open my heart and mind to my fellow Filipinos who are in need of my help. PHLIPPINE AGENDA: WORK (TRABAHO) Work is essential to every person to earn money and to buy things we need in our every life. Money is needed in every manner to survive. And we cannot have money without working, either in a simple way or a hard way, in a good or bad way. But it is better to earn money in either simple or hard way but in a good way. But here in our own country, most of the citizen don’t have a good job and some of them really did not found a job. How can they provide money for the needs of their family when they don’t have any job at all? Some of them are being kicked out from the company they are working and others are forced to leave because of some reasons, it could be that their performance is not good enough, the company is reducing some workers, the wages are not enough or the company is closing. Because of the technology in our time now, most of the work are being done by machines. Instead of manually doing the work, the company are hiring more machines than hiring actual human to do the job because machines can do the job two to three times faster than humans. That is why they are losing more workers even if their work is getting bigger and faster. The only one who will remain in that company is operator of the machines and other important people who are expert in that field of the  work. And I cannot blame the Filipinos for going out from our own country and work in other countries because the government cannot provide them a good salary that can provide the needs of their family. They have to look for another job in other countries in order for their family to survive and to have a better life. They have finished a professional course here in our country but the salary is the major reason why they leave the country. But not all who go out from our country have found good fortune. And that is not the fault of the government. The citizens are also to be blamed because of lack of discipline. They just wanted to go out of the Philippines and paid a lot of money to a company who are hiring Filipinos to work for abroad, not inquiring if that company is a legal company, thus end up in a work they were not expecting to have in that particular country. And instead of practicing their profession in the place, they end up being a domestic helper, laborer, babysitter, housemaid , and many other work that is not related to their profession. Some got lucky and had a good boss but some of them were being abused by their boss and the owner of the house because of several reasons. They are lacking good skills, their performance in that work was not good enough, their boss is just so strict and abusive, and they were being forced to do things not according to their will and their contract. And some ended up being imprisoned, bullied by the person they work at, and the worst of all is being sentenced to death. Some of them are being hanged and others are being executed through the way they execute a person in that particular country. Some Filipinos also did not go out of our country but did not found a descent work. Thus end up in finding an illegal job like stealing, selling illegal drugs and other illegal products. Others also have become a holdaper and a killer just to have money to provide for their family to survive. They are lacking skills that is why there are no company hires them. These events can be avoided if only the government will not let anyone who go out of the country without a proper training and have undergone a proper procedure to ensure the work they are working in that particular country. And the Filipinos will not go out from our country if the work here in our own country gives enough wages to keep their family from being hungry. If the wages here in our country is enough to let the tummy of the worker’s family be full every day, then we would not be having a problem in giving service to the citizens in places where  services are highly needed, just like in a hospital, schools and other public service company.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Two Accounts of The Battle of Pharsalus essays

Two Accounts of The Battle of Pharsalus essays The battle of Pharsalus, which took place on August 9th 48 BC, was the turning point in the Roman civil wars fought from 49-44 BC. These wars arose primarily from a struggle between the two powerful members of the First Triumvirate, Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great. Pompeys defeat by Caesar at Pharsalus resulted directly in his own death and Caesars rise to unimpeachable power in the Roman Republic. The focus on individual leaders as the center of military and political power that was exemplified by the battle of Pharsalus became the overarching structure of governance in Rome, eventually bringing about the end of the Senate-led Republic and the beginning of imperial rule. The first source describing the battle of Pharsalus is found in the seventh book of Lucans epic poem Pharsalia. Lucan was a Roman poet who began writing this poem in 61 AD. It was left unfinished upon his death in 65 AD., therefore the poem is only ten books long ending with Caesars arrival in Egypt in 48 BC. He became successful under Neros reign in Rome, however, there seemed to be an increasing dispute growing between the two after the Pharsalia was published. Many critics assume the cause of the dispute to be based on Lucans anti-imperialistic views that he expresses throughout the poem. The second source describing the battle of Pharsalus is found in book 3.72-99 of Caesars Civil Wars. Caesar himself writes in 48 BC an account of his war against Pompey and the Senate. Book 3.72 begins after Caesars regroups his army in Thessaly because of his defeat at the battle of Dyrrhacium by Pompeys army. Caesar justifies his actions of fighting against Pompey and the senate based on his ultimate goal, which was that of restoring order to the Roman people by bringing an end to the civil wars that had plagued Rome for the past couple of years. In an indirect way h...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Inchon Invasion in the Korean War (Operation Chromite)

Inchon Invasion in the Korean War (Operation Chromite) The Inchon landings took place on September 15, 1950, during the Korean War (1950-1953). Since the beginning of the conflict that June, South Korean and United Nations forces had been steadily driven south into a tight perimeter around the port of Pusan. Seeking to regain the initiative and liberate the South Korean capital of Seoul, General Douglas MacArthur devised a plan for a daring amphibious landing at Inchon on South Koreas west coast. Far from the Pusan Perimeter, his troops began landing on September 15 and caught the North Koreans by surprise. The landings, coupled with an offensive from the Pusan Perimeter, caused the North Koreans to retreat back across the 38th Parallel with UN forces in pursuit. Fast Facts: Inchon Invasion Conflict: Korean War (1950-1953)Dates: September 15, 1950Armies Commanders:United NationsGeneral Douglas MacArthurVice Admiral Arthur D. StrubleGeneral Jeong Il-Gwon40,000 menNorth KoreaGeneral Choi Yong-kunapproximately 6,500 menCasualties:United Nations: 566 killed and 2,713 woundedNorth Korea: 35,000 killed and captured Background Following the opening of the Korean War and the North Korean invasion of South Korea in the summer of 1950, United Nations forces were steadily driven south from the 38th Parallel. Initially lacking the necessary equipment to halt the North Korean armor, American troops suffered defeats at Pyongtaek, Chonan, and Chochiwon before attempting to make a stand at Taejeon.  Though the city ultimately fell after several days of fighting, the effort made American and South Korean forces bought valuable time for additional men and material to be brought to the peninsula as well as for UN troops to establish a defensive line in the southeast which was dubbed the Pusan Perimeter. General Douglas MacArthur during the Inchon Landings, September 1950. National Archives and Records Administration Protecting the critical port of Pusan, this line came under repeated attacks by the North Koreans. With the bulk of the North Korean Peoples Army (NKPA) engaged around Pusan, UN Supreme Commander General Douglas MacArthur began advocating for a daring amphibious strike on the peninsulas west coast at Inchon. This he argued would catch the NKPA off guard, while landing UN troops close to the capital at Seoul and placing them in a position to cut the North Koreans supply lines. Many were initially skeptical of MacArthurs plan as Inchons harbor possessed a narrow approach channel, strong current, and wildly fluctuating tides. Also, the harbor was surrounded by easily defended seawalls. In presenting his plan, Operation Chromite, MacArthur cited these factors as reasons the NKPA would not anticipate an attack at Inchon. After finally winning approval from Washington, MacArthur selected the US Marines to lead the attack. Ravaged by post-World War II cutbacks, the Marines consolidated all available manpower and reactivated aging equipment to prepare for the landings. Pre-Invasion Operations To pave the way for the invasion, Operation Trudy Jackson was launched a week before the landings. This involved the landing of a joint CIA-military intelligence team on Yonghung-do Island in the Flying Fish Channel on the approach to Inchon. Led by Navy Lieutenant Eugene Clark, this team provided intelligence to UN forces and restarted the lighthouse at Palmi-do. Aided by South Korean counter-intelligence officer Colonel Ke In-Ju, Clarks team collected important data regarding the proposed landing beaches, defenses, and local tides. This latter piece of information proved critical as they found that the American tidal charts for the area were inaccurate. When Clarks activities were discovered, the North Koreans dispatched a patrol boat and later several armed junks to investigate. After mounting a machine gun on a sampan, Clarks men were able to sink the patrol boat drive off the enemy. As retribution, the NKPA killed 50 civilians for aiding Clark. Preparations As the invasion fleet neared, UN aircraft began striking a variety of targets around Inchon. Some of these were provided by the fast carriers of Task Force 77, USS Philippine Sea (CV-47), USS Valley Forge (CV-45), and USS Boxer (CV-21), which assumed a position offshore. On September 13, UN cruisers and destroyers closed on Inchon to clear mines from the Flying Fish Channel and to shell NKPA positions on Wolmi-do Island in Inchon harbor. Though these actions caused the North Koreans to believe than an invasion was coming, the commander at Wolmi-do assured the NKPA command that he could repulse any attack. The next day, UN warships returned to Inchon and continued their bombardment. USS Valley Forge (CV-45), 1948. US Naval History Heritage Command Going Ashore On the morning of September 15, 1950, the invasion fleet, led by Normandy and Leyte Gulf veteran Admiral Arthur Dewey Struble, moved into position and the men of Major General Edward Almonds X Corps prepared to land. Around 6:30 AM, the first UN troops, led by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Tapletts 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines came ashore at Green Beach on the northern side of Wolmi-do. Supported by nine M26 Pershing tanks from the 1st Tank Battalion, the Marines succeeded in capturing the island by noon, suffering only 14 casualties in the process. First Lieutenant Baldomero Lopez, USMC, leads the 3rd Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines over the seawall on the northern side of Red Beach, as the second assault wave lands at Inchon, 15 September 1950. US Naval History and Heritage Command Through the afternoon they defended the causeway to Inchon proper, while awaiting reinforcements. Due to the extreme tides in the harbor, the second wave did not arrive until 5:30 PM. At 5:31, the first Marines landed and scaled the sea wall at Red Beach. Though under fire from North Korean positions on Cemetery and Observation Hills, the troops successfully landed and pushed inland. Located just north of the Wolmi-do causeway, the Marines on Red Beach quickly reduced the NKPA opposition, allowing forces from Green Beach to enter the battle. Colonel Lewis Chesty Puller. November 1950. US Marine Corps Pressing into Inchon, the forces from Green and Red Beaches were able to take the city and compelled the NKPA defenders to surrender. As these events were unfolding, the 1st Marine Regiment, under Colonel Lewis Chesty Puller was landing on Blue Beach to the south. Though one LST was sunk while approaching the beach, the Marines met little opposition once ashore and quickly moved to help consolidate the UN position. The landings at Inchon caught the NKPA command by surprise. Believing that the main invasion would come at Kusan (the result of UN disinformation), the NKPA only sent a small force to the area. Aftermath Impact UN casualties during the Inchon landings and subsequent battle for the city were 566 killed and 2,713 wounded. In the fighting the NKPA lost more than 35,000 killed and captured. As additional UN forces came ashore, they were organized into the US X Corps. Attacking inland, they advanced towards Seoul, which was taken on September 25, after brutal house-to-house fighting. United Nations Offensive, South Korea 1950 - Situation 26 September and Operations Since 15 September. US Army The daring landing at Inchon, coupled with 8th Armys breakout from the Pusan Perimeter, threw the NKPA into a headlong retreat. UN troops quickly recovered South Korea and pressed into the north. This advance continued until late November when Chinese troops poured into North Korea causing UN forces to withdraw south.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Labor Market and Minimum Wage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Labor Market and Minimum Wage - Essay Example ns for their youth the disemployment effects are smaller, and in countries where labor market is regulated the minimum wage standards have the least impact on disemployment (Neumark & Wascher, 2003). Labor demand in the present era is determined by the rapid changes in technology which have placed more emphasis on increasing productivity by dependence on computerization and software rather than the human workforce. This might present an inference that the average labor requirement will decrease as the industries become increasingly technology driven. However this is not true as the change will only be in the quality and not the quantum of workforce, as human input will be needed to run such technologies. Any increase in minimum wage usually affects the employment pattern of a country in a negative manner. The most affected are the younger workforce who usually work on much less wages and therefore become unemployed. The usual analysis of the effects of fixing a minimum wage were usually done by using a ‘time-series’ method where the impacts were studied over a specific period. However the approach misses on some aspects like the relation of data to other contributing factors such as recession and other labor market policies. A cross sectional data analysis approach was therefore preferable to arrive at a more pertinent and accurate conclusion ((Neumark & Wascher, 2003). The authors’ analysis suggested that other factors contributed much more towards unemployment rather than the fixing of a higher minimum wage alone. Recession was cited as one of the prime factors affecting employment patterns. Any increase in the minimum wages makes employment seem more attractive than studies to those in late teens and thereby disturbs the equilibrium. However with the latest trend of changes in the labor market from traditional industries like production and manufacturing to more sophisticated ones like the service industry and those involving technical knowhow like

Friday, November 1, 2019

Managerial Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Managerial Finance - Essay Example from the marriage of the managing director (then a saw mill owner) and a wealthy forestry owner from the north of England, in the phase of the current market situation a number reforms are about to be implemented base on the best option. This paper is therefore going to analyse the case thoroughly by looking at the main issues discussed in the case study in section 2 below; evaluating the management control system of Wooden Post Ltd as described in the case study in section 3 below; analyzing the case using agency and contingency theories in section 4; comparing and contrasting agency and contingency theory perspectives as well as looking at how the interpretation of the case differ from each theoretical perspective in section . This will require using certain financial analysis tool such as the Net Present Value and the Payback. The last section takes a decision and provides conclusion and recommendations The Wooden Post Ltd case study raises some important themes. The case first of all highlighted the issue of cultural change. The main idea in the area included improving on its transportation system, reducing cost in other to boost the organization competitive position. Agency control is also highlighted in the case through the introduction of a new director’s incentive scheme and a fall in growth potentials. Other problems raised in the case involve issues of corporate restructuring, contracting and outsourcing, employee’s redundancy. Under the present situation, management is now faced with the options of either merger and acquisition, joint venture or closure of some facilities. A couple of research has been carried out with the view to answer the two fundamental question as follows; (1) Does capital structure matters- can the total market value of a firm be increase or decrease by altering the mix of equity and debt? And, (2) if capital structure is relevant, what factors determine the optimal mix of equity and debt that would maximise the firm’s

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Statistics Term Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Statistics Term Paper - Essay Example Interpretation of data and results is one fundamental concern of using statistics in the fields of business and economics. One important statistical tool that for many years has become proven to help businessmen and economists is the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Analysis of variance is a significant component of inferential statistics and it tries to measure the difference between two or more independent groups or variables. In this paper, the proponent tries to discuss ANOVA as a significant statistical tool for business and economics especially in inferential statistics and in tests of difference for three or more independent groups, variables or data. Analysis and interpretation of data are important roles associated with inferential statistics. This statistics has different statistical tools or test for the analysis of interval, ratio, nominal and ordinal data. For making inferences from or conclusions on larger groups or populations, or even in generalizing information gathered in one or more samples, inferential statistics has been proven effective in doing so. The goodness of samples is very important to consider in order so as to ensure effectiveness of inferential statistics. In addition, sampling techniques or procedures are necessary or of great importance prior to the use of inferential statistical tools. In reality, the only way to find what specific tool in inferential statistics is necessary for any research problems or studies depends on the nature of data. It is in this reason that inferential statistics is subdivided into two groups: parametric and non-parametric tests. Non-parametric tests are tests that do not require normal distribution and they utilize both nominal and ordinal data (Bajpai 678). One could say that the distribution is not normal when the value of skewness is either positive or negative. Skewness is positive when the mean is greater than the median and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Training Session Essay Example for Free

Training Session Essay In this task I am going to design a six week training programme for two selected contrasting clients, I will the explain the choice of activities for these clients. I will then justify these choices for both of my clients and I will suggest alternatives for activities. For my first client I have chosen two main areas of improvement, these areas would be core strength and cardiovascular endurance. I have chosen these two areas because from the exercises and fitness test that we have performed my client has showed a weakness in those areas and they would like to improve on these areas. Week 1 For the first week I have decided to introduce both core strength and cardiovascular exercises, I have stated that I would like my client to start at 12 in the afternoon and I would like her to work at around 50 percent intensity. I would have her start off with a general warm up e.g. 10 minute jog and stretches. The session would last 10 minutes with a 30 second rest between each set and a 1 minute rest after each exercise. Then I would progress into the training programme, the first exercise I would have her do would be 2 sets of 20 sit ups. I chose sit ups because they are a good way of improving the strength and tone of stomach muscles which will help in developing core strength. I have chosen this exercise rather than crunches because I feel that crunches might be too hard to do at first, but when she can do more sit ups I will then progress it onto crunches. An alternative to sit ups would be leg raises because they will work the same muscles, at the amount of stress and my client might find them easier than sit ups. I would then go onto 2 sets of 12 men’s style press ups; I have chosen this style of press ups because this will help the strength in her arms as well as the strength of her abdominals and will help improve core strength. I have chosen these rather than woman’s style press ups because I feel like she will benefit more from men’s style because she will have to work harder and her muscle will develop better because this exercise is harder for her than the other type. So the alternative for this exercise would be the woman’s style press up, it is easier than the other style and my client might be able to perform more, and it would still be working the same muscle groups, that is why I have chosen this as an alternative. I would then move onto 2 sets of 12 lungs with a 2kg weight in one hand: I chose this exercise because I feel that it will help my client’s core strength, leg strength and  will also improve her balance. I chose to use a weight rather than not to use one because it will put her muscles under more stress and will make it harder for her which will help the muscles that she is using cope with future exercises. An alternative exercise would be to do lunges but do not use a weight, because it will be easier for my client to do the exercise but will still put strain and stress on the muscles groups that she is using. For the final exercise I would have my client do 2 sets of 12 squats: I chose this exercise because it will help develop the stomach muscles, improve leg strength, and will help improve core stability. I chosen to do this exercise rather than burpes because I think overall this will help with more things and improve her core strength greater than doing burpes. An alternative exercise would be to perform jump squats, for less repetitions, I chose this because I think it will still use the same muscle groups but because it is an explosive exercise it could put the body under more strain which will help develop the muscles that we are using. Second day For this day I am going to concentrate on core strength, I would like my client to work at 30 percent intensity it is a low intensity but I have chosen this because her muscles will need to time to recover from the exercise on the first day. She will need to start these exercises at 12 in the afternoon. For these exercises I would need her to do a general warm up for 10 minutes but focus more on stretching the muscles that will be in use. The session will last about 10 minutes with a 1 minute rest between each exercise and a 20 second rest between each set. The first exercise that I want my client to do is 2 sets of 20 crunches, I chose this exercise because it is a good way of using all of your abdominal muscles and will help improve core strength and stability. I chose this exercise rather than regular sit ups because sit ups don’t use all of the abdominal muscles and don’t put as much strain on these muscles unlike crunches. An alternative to doing crunches would be to go back to doing regular sit ups, this is easier than doing the crunches but it will still help on improving core strength and stability because it is still using the abdominal muscles. Then I would move onto doing the core stability exercise the plank. I chose to use the plank because it shows me how good my clients core strength and stability is and it is a great way to tone up the abdominal muscles and improve strength  in that area. An alternative to the plank could be press ups, my client would still be using the same muscles but this would improve the strength of her arms and would still help tone up and define the stomach muscles. Then the final exercise that I would have my client perform would be the leg raise hold. I chose this exercise because it helps tone up and develop the strength of the abdominal muscles and it is another way of me seeing the ability of my client core strength. An alternative to doing the lag raise hold w ould be to do leg raises, my client would still be using the same muscles and it would be easier for my client to do that’s why it would be a good alternative. T hird day For this day I am going to concentrate on core stability and strength. I would like my client to work at 40 percent intensity I have chosen this intensity because we the day before we have concentrated on core strength and I don’t want my client to become injured. I want my client to concentrate on doing stretches for this warm up so that she doesn’t pull a muscle or strain one because we are using the same muscle groups all the time. The session will last 10 minutes and will have 30 rests between each exercise. The first exercise that I want my client to perform is going to be 2 sets of 12 leg raises. I chose this exercise because it helps strengthen the stomach muscles and also helps tone the muscles that are being used. I chosen this rather than just doing sit ups because it’s something different and it will stop my client from becoming bored of doing the same exercises. An alternative of doing this exercise would be do perform sit up it would still be using the same muscles but won’t help tone and define them as much as leg raises do. The second exercise that I want my client to do is going to be the sit up bike for 1 minute. I chose this exercise because it will help strengthen and tone up the stomach muscles and will help develop the muscles for later exercises. I chose this instead of the leg raise hold because I think this is a good change and will keep my client interested in the training programme. An alternative to this exercise could be sit ups, they still work the same muscle groups and will still help develop the muscles un that area. The third exercise that I would like my client to do would be the plank for 1 minute.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

Tough on criminals, soft on crime: power, drugs and the failure Over the recent past one of the major problems has been that of conflicts between the criminals and the society on the whole. There has been debate regarding the facts whether we have handled the problems more aptly or not. Because there are certain schools of thought that are of the opinion that we should not go soft on the crime side in any case or form. It is this world of the organized crime that is responsible for all the power abuse and the drugs and they have caused, instigated and at times bribed the people to bring the social system to a standstill. It is all their doing which can prove to be too costly for the people and the culture as well as for the economy on the whole in the long run. As per the conflict perspective, the differential structure of social power necessarily requires that dominant groups to exercise control over subordinate groups but is that really the case? Yes we do need some form of domin ance and the other over the period of time but is that really all that there is to life? In reality if we look at things this is the way we have begun to perceive things because a bigger and a better society needs people to be more open and they need to be more apt. They are the ones who have to look at the things and it is up to them to interpret the meanings of the things in the literal sense. If we start to believe that the people are going to dominate others and there are some who are very docile and innocuous and there are others who are good at governance and who are good at controlling things is that the good enough reason to allow them to do the things their way? In my opinion it should never be that way simply because those who have the power ... ... move all the time. It is about the nature of addiction and the ancillary crime associated with it, which causes so many people to get entangled in it all. Although there has been a lot of talk about the treatment and rehabilitation and the reason for that is that it is significantly less expensive and more effective. Public safety is something that is completely dependent on how well we are able to control the above-mentioned social evils because in front of them it becomes a secondary thing. Incarceration is not always the only solution that is available to the authorities because that may deter the world of organized crime but it does not strike at the very roots that it is founded on. That is the whole objective that we should avoid going soft on the world of crime at all costs if we want to have any chance of preserving the sanctity of the future generations.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Learning children to play percussion instruments Essay

The role of a teaching assistant is to maximise learning, create a safe and positive learning environment and to minimise behaviour problems. I would contribute to the lesson by trying to achieve this goal in the following way: I would ensure all the instruments are ready for the lesson, having checked they are in good repair and unlikely to cause injury. I would supervise the children using the instruments, i.e. check they hold them correctly, use them appropriately be a good role model demonstrating how instruments should be held and used. I would support children who are experiencing difficulties I would monitor children’s ability to use instruments, follow instructions, achieve outcome of lesson Safety would be about the state of the instruments, children’s use of them and ensuring mouth pieces are hygienically treated and maintained Making sure that music sheets are available if needed. I would also monitor their behaviours by supervising and to try and minimize disruptive behaviour, which will help the children keep interest in the lesson. I would also ensure that I carry out observations on the children to make sure they have the ability to use the instruments and to achieve the outcome of the lesson. As a teaching assistant I should also be prepared to offer feedback at the end of the session to either the children or the teacher.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reflecting on Wisdom Essay

The one individual that I consider to be very wise is Bishop T.D. Jakes. Even though, I have never met him face-to-face; words spoken by him has inspired mass congregations; as well as me. Opposing to common beliefs, wisdom is not the ability to be knowledgeable about everything, but to a certain extent holding an open mind to additionally enhance comprehensions A wise person considers anything they say before they speak and discuss about area of circumstances he/she knows about and asks questions about the ones he/she are not familiar with. Individuals who have wisdom are inclined to be modest instead of displaying show-offs mentality. A wise individual have a tendency not to be competitive and do not mind if others have the notion to accuse them of being wrong. People with wisdom also know that people will gain knowledge at their own rate and in their own time, therefore not staring down on someone just because they are not equally understood. Wise people have great insight and a g ifted ability to articulate it without belittling or embarrassing others. My favorite characteristic of a wise person is their ability to look beyond what is obvious (especially in unfavorable circumstances) and focus on the subject at hand. It must be also being made aware of that wisdoms come from life encounters, mirror image and/or educational training. Bishop T.D. Jakes holds these characteristics traits as an individual of wisdom. Bishop Jakes uses illustrations from his personal experiences in life, in addition to the lives of others which is under his counseling; Bishop Jakes provides pointed guidance on how to shift from battle to triumph, from prey to conqueror. Motivating and revitalizing direct honesty, this is the ultimate source for those seeking to comprehend and care for the love ones in their lives. This lends a hand decoding individual’s often impenetrable conduct which offers one-on-one approaches for better understanding and therapeutic in a person’s affiliations. Books such as, He-Motions written by Bishop T.D.  Jakes h ave put into words precision and prospect to everyone; which help them strengthen their relationships with themselves, others, and with their Savior. It has also given females the explanations they try to find as they communicate to the men they be devoted to. It may seem unbelievable to some because of the fact; a book causing so many people to get nearer as one in relationships and closer to God. Wisdom is that attribute of spirituality by which creates the greatest potential outcome with the greatest potential measures; through ministry and spirituality. Wisdom and intellect-knowledge are not equivalent, yet are strongly associated. Knowledge is obtained by building up information, but wisdom is effects from the approaching of issues that are learned. Knowledge is the bits and pieces made known through which wisdom put together its formation. An individual not educated possibly will be wiser than the most knowledgeable intellectual in actuality time and again are! While speaking of Bishop’s wisdom, it stands for his capability to formulate flawless conclusions and to accomplish those conclusions by great measures. Bishop in his wisdom makes use of the unlimited knowledge so that he may accomplish his objective in a means which praises God the greatest. All that is done by him seems to be prepared with flawless wisdom. Bishop perceives every thing in its proper relation to everything else, and so He is able to work toward His predestined goals with flawless precision. These are the reason, Bishop T.D. Jakes is known by many as a man of wisdom. He has changed lives through his knowledge of the Bible. There is not any study of more importance or value than a study of the nature and attributes of spirituality. In the past few years, I have been drawn deeper into what is known as, â€Å"The Words of God†. This is the reason why attributes of spirituality is the area, in which I have developed most fully. At the same time, not anything in life worth having was ever gained overnight. Therefore, I feel much work is ahead for me; to fully develop in future years come. Neither knowledge nor wisdom is gained overnight; it is a continuous growth process for years to come.